Thursday, July 9, 2015

My Classroom Before - Round 2

So yesterday I went to my classroom.

Here are a few more pics of my room before I get it ready for the First day of School.

This is my kitchen area!  BORING!!!!!
Can't wait to add some color and a little fun!

From the back of my room.
(I see color and a cute little guy!)

Sink/counter area
(TOTES!!!!  Everywhere!)

My popcorn word wall/calendar.
This is still up from last year.  As the year progresses,
I add the weekly popcorn words to the word wall.
This board is always a work in progress!
Can't wait to get things put away and organized!

Okay... so that is where I started and then Target called!

You think I'm kidding, I am NOT!

Took a break to eat lunch and ran by Target.
All I needed were 3 binders.  That's it 3 binders!

This was me today!

Check out the 3 binders...

Binders!!?!!?!?!?   What?

Okay so I did get a few things done!  

Here is one of my faves!
How cute are these?

Pencil bins from the dollar spot (ADORABLE)
labels and rubber cement

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It's about that time! Back to School Post #1

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