Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Classroom

So yesterday I went into my classroom and took a little inventory of the work that needs to be done!  Guess what!?!?!?  It is BARE!

Luckily we don't have to take everything down off the walls.  Here are a few pictures of the 
different parts of my "Seussical"Room.

Remember I am not changing themes this year!  Dr Seuss was a keeper.  
I usually have Room Theme ADD and need to change it up every year!  HAHA!
Don't get me wrong I am going to make a few changes.

So here it is...my room!
I all take more pictures today.  

I LOVE looking at pics of classrooms!!!  (It must be a teacher thing!)
I would love for you to post pics of your classrooms in the comments!
It could be like a classroom hop without even leaving your seat!

View from the front door.  (front of the class)
(So thankful for the custodians for not leaving my chairs and tables stacked against the walls)

Although their are still things on the walls, it looks SO BARE!

This is my terrific work board.  Throughout the week I pick students work to display with a special sticker.  On Friday I announce the students who had terrific work and pass the papers back.  

The one thing I like about this board is that everyone can get terrific work.  Your work doesn't have to be the best in the class it just needs to be good for you.  You can pick that kiddo who is really struggling with writing letters because they took their time.  
(It may not be the neatest in the class but you can tell it was their personal best.)
This is a great way to encourage ALL kids. 

One of my class mottos:  
It doesn't have to be perfect it just needs to be your best!
(By the end of the year I can ask my class...Does it have to be perfect?
And they will respond Nope,  just your best!)

(The empty pocket chart is where I differentiate iPad apps in my classroom.  
I will post how I do that at another time!)


Here is a close up of how the work is displayed.  
I used these cute Dr. Seuss cut outs (Target Dollar Days) and these nifty push pin clips.  

Notice the bulletin board itself is not covered.  You will see this throughout my room.  It used to be.  All of my boards were covered with fabric but according to the fire marshall we can only have so much of our room covered.  Being the rule follower that I am I have found different ways to add pizzaz!  The Dr. Seuss characters add a little "pop"!

This is one of my favorite boards.  This is located in my hallway outside of my room.  Every week I have a classroom star of the week.  I usually have two,  a boy and a girl.  (I need to make that "Seussical" Stars of the week.) 
 I send home a packet on Friday and have the students bring it back on Monday.  
I have different activities that we go over throughout the week.  
I put their photos and Star of the Week Papers in the hallway for the school to see!  
Notice the board itself isn't covered :( 
but it's still pretty Seussical!  

I am super excited about a new creation for Birthdays and Star of the Week that I am going to incorporate into my classroom this year!  I can't wait to share it. 

Stay tuned for different parts of my room and the progress!  
As it goes form summer ready to classroom ready! 

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