If you have read my previous posts you know that I decided to think out of the box or as one of my donor's stated "out of the chair" and try out alternative seating. I knew I wanted to try this out
in my classroom but had no idea where I would get the funding. Fast Forward ahead...I did get the funding, but this post is how I made alternative seating work before I knew I was getting money for my project.
Why Alternative Seating?
I was researching Writer'sWorkshop in my classroom and one particular line stood out. Basically it said that students could sit anywhere to write. Hmm? Sit anywhere?
I started to think about my students, my constant nagging, their wiggles, and plastic chairs. My classroom was a typical, traditional kindergarten classroom - tables, plastic chairs, and seat sacks. In the back of my mind I heard the echo ..."criss cross applesauce, sit on your pockets, four on the floor", you know the basics. I have always thought that I incorporated a lot of movement into my classroom but then I looked at those little plastic chairs and my wheels started turning. As a teacher I hardly ever sit down (teachers out there know what I am talking about), we very rarely sit down. This reminds me of a hilarious meme so I have to share.
Okay so back on track...
I was considering how often that I sit and then I considered how often that I expect my students to sit and wow - they are sitting A LOT! That needed to change.
First step:
Let my students try it out. I gave them options. They could sit at a table, sit on the floor, lay on the floor, stand, or sit at a traditional desk. It was their choice. We talked about why we were doing this.
I explained to them that we all learn differently. I told them that sometimes when I read at home I lay on my belly or sit on the floor. When I work on my computer I sit on the couch or at the kitchen table. That is how I work best.
I told them that I was going to let them try out free seating today when we had class work. I explained to my students that they needed to find out what worked best for them. The best way for them to figure it out was to try out different options until they found out what worked best for them.
Check out my last blog to see what they choose and a video of my students trying it out for the first time.
The one thing that I noticed was that most of my students chose alternative seating. I only had a few students who choose traditional chair at a table seating.
The first day was such a success I decided to take it a step further. I got rid of a table, six chairs, and 6 seat sacks. One of the things that I noticed from day one is that we needed more floor space.
Voila'! Take out a table and instantly we have more floor space!
I also talked to my AMAZING custodian, Miss Sherry, (LOVE her), and she helped me lower a table. This table is perfect for students who like to kneel, or sit on the carpet but still have a table.
I also have 2 desks in my classroom. I have a few students who choose to sit at a desk. Each chair at the desk has a bouncy band. This works great to help kiddos wiggle while still sitting in a traditional chair.
Once again...I found success and took it a little further.
With each change my students became more engaged and began to find what worked best for each of them.
Their was on thing holding me back - seat sacks. I would have gotten rid of most of my chairs but I needed a place to store supplies. I decided to borrow bins from home and had a place for each students work.
I took another one of my tables, called the AMAZING Miss Sherry, and had it raised. This now is the standing table. As you can see my students use this table to stand while they work or while doing iPads. This works great because my students can work while releasing energy.
So with a few changes, I managed to change my classroom to alternative seating by getting rid of chairs, tables, and seat sacks. I adjusted a few tables and my class was ready to go!
Here are just a few more pics of my class as they are engaged and enjoying alternative seating.

I told them that I was going to let them try out free seating today when we had class work. I explained to my students that they needed to find out what worked best for them. The best way for them to figure it out was to try out different options until they found out what worked best for them.
Check out my last blog to see what they choose and a video of my students trying it out for the first time.
The one thing that I noticed was that most of my students chose alternative seating. I only had a few students who choose traditional chair at a table seating.
The first day was such a success I decided to take it a step further. I got rid of a table, six chairs, and 6 seat sacks. One of the things that I noticed from day one is that we needed more floor space.
Voila'! Take out a table and instantly we have more floor space!
I also talked to my AMAZING custodian, Miss Sherry, (LOVE her), and she helped me lower a table. This table is perfect for students who like to kneel, or sit on the carpet but still have a table.
I also have 2 desks in my classroom. I have a few students who choose to sit at a desk. Each chair at the desk has a bouncy band. This works great to help kiddos wiggle while still sitting in a traditional chair.
Once again...I found success and took it a little further.
With each change my students became more engaged and began to find what worked best for each of them.
Their was on thing holding me back - seat sacks. I would have gotten rid of most of my chairs but I needed a place to store supplies. I decided to borrow bins from home and had a place for each students work.
I took another one of my tables, called the AMAZING Miss Sherry, and had it raised. This now is the standing table. As you can see my students use this table to stand while they work or while doing iPads. This works great because my students can work while releasing energy.
So with a few changes, I managed to change my classroom to alternative seating by getting rid of chairs, tables, and seat sacks. I adjusted a few tables and my class was ready to go!
Here are just a few more pics of my class as they are engaged and enjoying alternative seating.

Keep following to learn about alternative seating guidelines, my Donor's Choose arrivals, my total classroom transformation, how I do literacy stations and whole class teaching with alternative seating.
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