While at a meeting this summer my principal mentioned a "fun" committee.
Apparently their areother schools in our corporation who have similar committees!!!
Who new?!?!
A committee focused on one thing...
She asked if anyone wold be interested in starting one of these so called fun committees!?!?!
And that folks is where our fun committee started!
So I sent out this email...
(Principal name, colleague name, and school name have been changed for privacy reasons.
We don't want anyone to know that we have fun at work! HAHA! JK!)
Rock Star suggested that Amazing, Rockin' Elementary has a "fun" committee. There are other schools in the corporation who have similar committees and the entire focus is fun! I naturally jumped on board along with a fellow rock star, Rockin' Rita. Who doesn't like fun!?!?! Don't worry no one is going to force you to have fun at work
. This is entirely voluntary. If you would like to be part of this committee just let Rockin' Rita or myself know. Throughout the year we are hoping to bring fun to the staff at Amazing, Rockin' Elementary. (You don't have to be on the committee to join in on the fun.) You also don't have to participate in the activities but if something seems like fun feel free to participate.
So for August I was thinking of a way to bring a smile to the staff at Amazing, Rockin' Elementary and I thought of getting "Schooled". Keep an eye out on your door. You never know when you will get "Schooled." If you get "Schooled" pick a teacher or a staff member (or a few), copy the I've been schooled sign, and secretly place it on their door with a little surprise. (Something small - candy, a soda, coffee, anything to bring a little back to school joy!)
As we come up with new ideas we will share them with you! Feel free to share your ideas too!
So what exactly is a fun committee?!?!?
It is anything you want it to be as long as it is fun.
I also think it is important for it to be strictly voluntary.
I am one of those people who LOVE team building activities.
(Okay, you can groan at the thought of team building if you need to.)
I love team building activities, games, putting myself out there, and being silly.
But for some people the thought of team building activities makes them shudder.
With that being said when people are forced to "have fun" the fun is taken away.
Apparently one of the other schools had a staff nerf battle in the gym.
Although some people would be all in because nerf battles are fun,
others might think other wise.
So make sure your fun committee has a variety of fun ideas.
So you can touch on everyone's idea of fun.
Here is the "You've Been Schooled" page.
Feel free to copy it and use it if you would like.
As the Amazing, Rockin' Elementary School fun committee comes up with new ideas
I will share them with you. If you have a fun committee I would LOVE to hear your ideas!
I will share them with you. If you have a fun committee I would LOVE to hear your ideas!
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