The first week of kindergarten can be challenging for everyone involved: parents, kindergarteners, and even us teachers. I know for me the first week, let alone the first day, always seems to catch me by surprise. I know it is going to be a bit challenging but by the end of the year I forget what it was like.
Don't get me wrong I love the first week!
You get to see all of those sweet little smiles that you will get to spend the next 180 days with.
But along with those sweet little smiles comes tears, fears, excitements,
and probably the quickest day of the entire year! You blink and it's gone!
Most kindergarteners are comforted by a teddy bear or some sort of stuffed animal. That is how the Teddy Bear sleepover came to be. How much more comforting would school be if you could bring your Teddy Bear or favorite Stuffed Animal?
This can be done a few different ways. During Back to School Night or Meet the Teacher night you can pass out a note to have students bring their favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal to school with them on the first day. This will help make the student feel more at ease and a great show and tell for the first day of kindergarten!
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During the first month of school we do a bear unit. At the end of the bear unit we have a bear sleepover. I send the invitations home on Wednesday. The students bring their bears or stuffed animals back to school and leave them for the night on Thursday.
Boy do those bears have a good time!

When the students come in they are AMAZED!
On Friday we have a bear picnic. All of the kindergarten classes get together with their bears or stuffed animals and have a special bear themed snack.
The snack includes:
teddy grahams
honey comb cereal
Cap'n Crunch - Oops All Berries.
What a fun way to end a unit!
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