Monday, June 27, 2022

Gotta Give Grace #reallife

 Looking back over the past year, I would say this is a year of growth and learning.  

At 44, (which I do have to calculate on the regular, since I can NEVER remember how old I am - please tell me I am not the only one!) I amazed at how much I have learned and grown.  

So, let's talk about Grace.  What is Grace?  According to the Oxford dictionary one definition of grace is courteous goodwill.   

This year for me has been a year of grace.  Grace in lots of different contexts: giving grace, accepting grace, the lack of grace, and the "grace imposter".

This year is a year that I am truly thankful for.  I have truly taken the time to examine myself - my beliefs, my prejudices, my value, my worth, my biases, and who I truly am as a person and as a Child of God.  

I have spent most of my life, wanting to be accepted and loved, as I think that most of us have.  I have also lived most of my life being a person who did my best to accept and love everyone.  Maybe that is why it is so difficult for me to understand why everyone isn't that way - why everyone can't just love and accept. 

 I also want to clarify that this blog isn't directed towards anyone and is just part of my journey and my personal growth.  It is also intended to be helpful when it comes to grace.  You see although I have always tried to live my life being loving and accepting to all - I truly wasn't 100%.  After looking at myself critically,  the person who tried to love and accept everyone I realized I had more biases than I thought.  That is hard to admit.  Does it make me a bad person?  I don't think so, because it has given me room to grow.  I have grown SO much this past year and am still growing and for that I am thankful.  

    Here are a few things that I know about Grace.  These are just my thoughts.

 1.  Giving grace can be easy.

2.  Giving grace can be hard.

3.  Giving grace doesn't cost a thing.

4.  When people extend grace to you, you feel loved, you feel heard.

5.  Stretching yourself to give grace to others, even when you don't understand, helps you grow.  

Recently, I was listening to a podcast, Get Your Teach On with Hope & Wade King while on a walk.  

Side note:  I hate exercising!  I mean I detest it!  Everything about it.  Before, while, and even after.  Seriously - who likes to sweat!?!?!?  EWWW!  

Anyway, I have found that listening to podcasts truly helps make my daily walks more bearable.  I have also found that the @GetYourTeachOnPodcast is one of my favorites!  Okay so let's get back on track here.  For reference, in case you want to listen for yourself, it's podcast 41 with Daniel Patterson.  

Get Your Teach On Podcast

During my walk, I took out my phone and typed lots of take aways from that podcast.  That in itself is a great feat, if you know me you know I am not graceful.  Which is an entirely different type of grace which means to have or show grace or elegance.  Basically, the opposite of what I am.  I am the definition of clumsy and uncoordinated! 

Here are three things that stick with me:  

 "You don't have to live it to show empathy for it."

It is impossible to extend grace without listening.

Receiving someone's narrative, or story, and understanding someone's truth does not mean that you have to agree with it, but you validate them, their truth and experiences when you listen and extend grace. 

After this podcast I was floored.  This was just what I needed to hear!  Imagine if everyone heard these three things!  

So there it is!  My soapbox on grace!  

Until next time...

 Do your best to extend grace - you never know who needs it and the difference it can make.  

Monday, June 20, 2022

 I am more than just a teacher...

Looking back, I started this blog in 2015!  Wow that was 7 years ago!  
In the past seven years I started strong and then I faded away, came back strong and then faded again on and off - on and off.

But now I am back!  This blog is going to be a little different than the past.  I'm changing it up a bit - why you ask...

because I am more than just a teacher!  

Like most of you I wear many hats - too many hats to name!  With every new day, week, and year, I add hats - just like most of you do.  

I guess my life is ever ever changing so with that; so should my blog.  What does that mean?  It means that I am not sticking to just teaching (mostly teaching) but I am going to blog about life, #teacherlife, #momlife, #wifelife, #reallife, #allofthethings, #life. 

If you know me personally, you know that my brain goes all over the place.  Having a conversation with me is not always (if ever) directly to the point.  We take adventures, side bars, "squirrel" (that's me getting completely off point), I guess that is all part of the fun of me! (or not)

So, here we go.. Let me start by telling you a little about me. 

Blog Refresh #1

Ten things about me:

1.  I have been married to Craig for almost 20 years!  We just realized that we have been together more of our life than not!  I am truly blessed to have such an AMAZING husband who loves me despite my quirkiness and shenanigans! 

2.  I am blessed to be the mom of two AMAZING boys!  Dillon is 21 and is a Senior at IU studying Molecular Science.  Tristan is 17, in show choir, aspires to be a fashion designer and is going to be a senior in high school.

3.  I have been a kindergarten teacher for 14 years.  I have taught in 2 different schools in the same corporation.  
10 years at the first and 4 years at my current school.  I have wanted to be a kindergarten teacher since I was in kindergarten.  Looking back at my childhood memory book,  have my dream job!  In kindergarten I wanted to be a model (I am 5ft..), an astronaut ( I suffer from EXTREME motion sickness), and teacher.  Looks like dreams do come true!  

4. I LOVE clothes! I seriously have a clothing obsession, I love shopping and outfits with flair! I save clothes FOREVER!  Who knows when they will come back in style!?! 

Tristan in my vintage overalls from high school.

5.  Some people think I have a unique style!?!?!


Some people may say I have a signature pose!  
I don't see it! ðŸ˜‚

6.  I love food!  Why is it so hard to stay in shape when you love to eat ALL the things!?!?!  I am definitely a junk food junkie!   

7.  I am 44 years old and didn't start teaching until I received my teaching degree at 30.  

8.  I am a Child of God who loves and accepts everyone unconditionally.  As a mom, my goal was to teach my boys to love and accept everyone, to treat everyone the way they want to be treated, to love, accept and not judge.  This is something that I continue to strive to do everyday!  

9.  I have a cat, Mittens and 2 rescue chihuahua mixes, Molly & Chloe.  


10. I believe that a smile can truly make ALL of the difference!  

So thats a little about me!  Let me know if you have any other questions!  
Until next time...
Share a smile it's free!

It's about that time! Back to School Post #1

  In 3 weeks,  I will be back in the swing of kindergarten!  I started teaching when I was 30 years old and will be 45 this February!  WOW! ...