During the last few weeks we have been super busy! I thought I would share some of the different activities that I have been doing to keep my kinders engaged and excited about learning!
Making Math Fun
Working on tens and ones!
No problem use pretzels and mini marshmallows to help kiddos grasp the concept!
After doing this activity with my class they had no problem understanding how to make numbers with tens and ones.
You can use pretzels and mini marshmallows with any ten and ones decomposing numbers page.
Easter Egg Addition
I bought these cute little Easter Eggs at the Dollar Tree, as soon as I saw them the teacher in me instantly thought - MATH STATIONS!!!
One of the things that I have been working on this year is differentiation with out recreating!
This became a differentiated math station.
I put dice in each egg. Some eggs had one, two, and 3 dice.
For my on target students each egg had one dice.
They shook the eggs and then wrote a number sentence.
This can be done with both addition and subtraction.
For my students who need more guidance, I gave them one egg. They shook it, counted the dots, and wrote the number.
For my higher level students I gave them two eggs. You can put 2 or 3 dice in the first egg, and 1 or 2 dice in the second egg. They shook the eggs and then added. You could also do this with subtraction.

Count and Compare
I bought a few packs of mini styrofoam eggs from the dollar tree and this cute Easter bucket.
I also differentiated this station by just giving my students different size cups.
They reach into the bucket with the dixie cup and pull out the styrofoam eggs. They count and write the number. They reach in and grab more and write the number. They then compare the numbers and add a greater than, less than, or equal sign.
You could also do addition and subtraction with this activity.
Easter Stem Activity
When I do Stem Activities I like to make it cross curricular by incorporating a book.
Items needed:
Jelly Beans
The problem:
The Old Lady was Swallowing Chicks...we need to save the chicks!
Create a house for the chicks in order to protect them from the old lady.
My students were given 20 toothpicks and 10 jelly beans.
I created a recording form and they created a diagram.
After creating the plan they built their house according to their plan.
These are just a few engaging activities that I did during the last few weeks. Hopefully this is something that you might want to use next year!